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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fascism & Liberation 

Like a doddering old delusional douche bag, Secreatry of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told the American Legion that critics of his war in Iraq were inept in their understanding of history and likened them to those who sought to appease Hitler. “With the growing lethality and the increasing availability of weapons, can we truly afford to believe that somehow, some way, vicious extremists can be appeased?,” he stated.

As if to underscore the theme, the other architect of the failure in Iraq, Dick Cheney, who, five years later, amidst mountains of evidence and a distinct rebuttal from the President himself, still sees Saddam Hussein’s ghost in the rubble of September 11th, contributed to the new attempt to liken their national and international failures to the glory of World War II victory.

“This is not an enemy that can be ignored, or negotiated with, or appeased…And every retreat by civilized nations is an invitation to further violence against us. Men who despise freedom will attack freedom in any part of the world, and so responsible nations have a duty to stay on the offensive, together, to remove this threat.”

No fuckface. Civilized and responsible men and women have a duty to mitigate the threat posed by terrorism in addition to dealing with the additional threat of lunatics sending people to war and killing thousands upon thousands of innocent people based on deliberately cooked intelligence and marketed and packaged with lies and deception. You, Mr. Cheney have neither the record nor the moral authority to even speak on the subject.

Mr. Rumsfeld’s assertion that critics of his bungling of the war in Iraq can be framed as fascist and compared to the appeasement of Hitler is almost as ludicrous as the suggestion that its consequences, unlike the efforts of the allies in World War II, and characterized by a violent and deadly sectarian war, can be referred to or is perceived as, liberation.

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